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Growing Raspberries

Whether you eat them fresh, use them in baking, or make your own jams and preserves, raspberries are a tasty and healthy addition to any diet. Learn how to grow your own raspberries and explore the many ways you can enjoy this delicious fruit.

Freshly picked raspberries in a carton

When you know how to grow raspberries for yourself and family the possibilities are almost endless. You can easily make raspberry jam or for a less complicated and lower sugar jam try the freezer jam method.  Add your fresh or frozen raspberries to shakes, desserts or eat them fresh right from the plant. Dry the raspberry leaves to make tea. If you still are not quite convinced the health benefits of raspberries are great.  They are low in sugar, rich in anti-aging antioxidants and high in fiber and nutrients. The bonus is we can grow them right in our back yards.

Fresh raspberry jam in a small glass mason jar

Types of Raspberries

The first step in growing raspberries is choosing the right type for you. There are two different categories of raspberries: Summer-bearing(also called floricane) and Fall-bearing(also called everbearing or Primocane).

Summer-bearing raspberries produce one big crop of fruit in late summer. They produce fruit on canes that are two years old. In the spring cut back all dead and older canes to the ground leaving second year canes to fruit that season. Trim remaining raspberry canes to 4-5 feet tall.

Summer-bearing varieties:

  • Boyne
  • Coho
  • Honey Queen
  • Latham
  • Munger
  • Tulameen
  • Nova

Fall-bearing raspberries will produce a moderate crop in July and a much larger crop form August until frost. They produce fruit on canes that are one year old. Fall-bearing varieties can be mowed to the ground in the late fall or early spring after their first harvest. 

Fall-bearing varieties:

  • Autumn Bliss
  • Double Delight
  • Fall Gold
  • Heritage
  • Red River

Care of Raspberries

Plant raspberries 2-3 feet apart in composted well draining soil in full sun. With a minimum of  6-8 hours of direct sun at minimum. Keep raspberries well watered during flowering and harvesting and until well established. Fertilize with Nurseryland Fruit and Berry fertilizer in spring and again mid summer. Raspberries can grow from 4-6 feet tall so staking them may be necessary. Cut off suckers right at ground level that grow outside of the rows.

Nurseryland fruit & berry plant food

Raspberries attract butterflies and bees to your yard and are one of the easiest, most rewarding and productive fruits you can grow at home. Once you know how to grow and care for raspberries, you’ll be enjoying this delicious, healthy fruit fresh from your garden. 

Ripe raspberries hanging on a raspberry vine
Healthy raspberry bushes in a green yard
Fresh raspberries on a wooden table